Sunday, July 26, 2009

CrAzY dAyS

So pretty much I am in love with three-day weekends! Yeah for Utah and Pioneer Day! Thursday night my ward went to Jump On It! It's basically a warehouse with a ton of trampolines all connected. There were even trampolines slanted against the wall so you could like run into them and then fling back into the the middle of the room! I hurt my knee pretty badly, but man it was so much fun! And yes, my entire apartment dressed up. I wore my gold metallic swimsuit, purple leggings, soccer shorts, and a lime green sweat band! Yeah we were stylish!

On Friday I finally got to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince!!!!! It only took forever! Well of course I wished there had been different scenes, but overall I was pleased with the outcome. Oh then my roommates and I went to Becci's sister's house for our weekly date with TIVO and So You THink You Can Dance. Ya we were really disappointed in the results! Jason is our ultimate favorite and Jeanette should have won the show! We were quite broken hearted. Oh Tear.

Oh but the fun doesn't end there my friends, oh it doesn't! So one of the perks of living with 5 other girls is the massive amounts of chick flicks you have the opportunity to watch. Thus far this weekend, I have watched 5, yes 5, chick flicks. And here are my ratings of the viewed films.

1- French Kiss: Really adorable

2- What's Up Doc?: Makes no sense but I loved it!

3- Stardust: Just Love IT!

4- The Wedding Planner: cute, what else is there to say

5- Love Story: Ok so pretty much the most depressing movie I have ever seen in my life! But I'm so glad I saw it! Cried my eyes out at 2 in the morning with Aly and Lacey which then turned into hysterical laughter. So ya, it was a fantastic movie, but i highly doubt i will ever watch it again. Too sad :(

Ok so that's been my weekend thus far. Check back for updates

Oh ya I did do some homework too, don't worry. I'm a good college kid, I am!

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